Payment gateway module LiqPay for WISECP
Server Requirements
PHP Version: 8.1 +
ionCube Loader: v13 +
Database Server: MariaDB 10.3+ or MySQL 8+
Database Extension: PDO / MySQLi
PHP Extensions:
- cURL Library
- MBString
- OpenSSL
- GD Library
- Fileinfo
- ZipArchive
Installation Instructions
To install, follow the steps:
1) Unpack the archive into "coremio/modules/Payment"
2) Go to the admin panel, section Settings -> Billing -> Payment Gateways
3) Find the "LiqPay" module
4) Specify gateway settings
5) Save settings
6) Activate the payment method in the "Activated" -> "Activated Payment Gateways"
After that, the module has been successfully installed and configured.
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